Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Short and sweet

And that's just how she was.  Our first calf of the year was born today and she was as precious as they come.  She'd slipped under the fence into the grass catch with the other pairs and, when I noticed her, she was trying her very best to nurse a bull calf who thankfully thought they were playing a rousing game of merry go round.  I love her and found myself wanting to take her inside and keep her forever.  Hello new maternal instincts. 

This little gal was out of our Embryo Transplant Heifers and as cowboy John recalled reading after the fact.... the gestation period of an Angus Heifer is about two weeks shorter than that of our Black Hereford heifers.  Surprise!!

So here we go! We have 55 of these feisty Angus heifers to calve out and if the other moms are anything like the first one, we are going to have our hands full! One thing's for sure, I know it'll help Hoag appreciate how docile our Black Hereford heifers are when it comes their time February 18.  Let the games begin!!

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